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Friday Favorites 2/14/14

Happy Valentine's Day, ya'll!  You know what they say.... Valentimes is serious times (thanks, Teen Girl Squad).

It's time for our first-ever edition of Friday Favorites.  This is going to be our weekly round-up of things we've been loving.  And this week, it's Valentine's themed!

Emma's Favorites

Slow cooker Decadent Chocolate Delight
The hubs and I have made a tradition of cooking fancy meals for Valentine's Day for the past three years.  I asked Stephen what he wanted to make this year, fully expecting to hear "steak" (his food request 99.9% of the time)... instead, I got "that crock pot cake!."

Ew, right?  Crock pots aren't made for cakes, right? Do your baking in the oven, right?  WRONG.  So much wrong.  Make this.  But don't count calories because maybe you can't count that high.

I got the recipe out of Crock Pot Favorite Slow Cooker Recipes, but you can find it online HERE.

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
 I'm a sucker for quizzes about myself - and if Facebook is any indication, you are too.  The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman has a quiz to find out just what your (or your significant other's, or your family member's) love language is, how to express it, and how to express whatever your SO's language may be!  What's your love language? Find out HERE!

When Stephen and I first took the quiz (the book was a Valentine's gift from me - it didn't measure up to the 4-wheeler he wanted, poor guy) we both got Quality Time as our love language.  But, we were living in different time zones, and only saw each other twice a month, so it was kind of a no-brainer. I think I'm going to take it again, because now that I'm a housewife, I have a feeling mine has changed to Words of Affirmation (how hard is it to say "Thanks for doing my laundry"?  AM I RITE, ladies?!).

You can order the book HERE ($9.21 on Amazon).  Worth the read.

Diana's Favorite
Anatomically Correct Heart Pendant
anatomically correct heart necklace

I bought this necklace for myself last year for Valentine's Day and I've been wearing it almost every day ever since. I liked that it wasn't your typical Valentine's heart, but still made me feel festive (and a bit macabre...not gonna lie).

I thought I lost it when I couldn't find it for a few days. I was really upset, so I had to order another one! I found it eventually... in my giant basket o'yarn. I lose a surprising amount of things in my yarn, but now I can make heart earrings if the mood strikes.

And the best part? It's handmade! I got it from, a website that supports indie designers. Buy it here! (Unfortunately the one I purchased is out of stock, but will likely be back soon. They still have the smaller version, though).

Happy Friday!

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post! All items were purchased with our own money and we were not paid to feature these products.

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