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What Time is it? Tool - erm - Spray Paint Time!

Did you know that Tim Allen is still on TV?  He's on this show called Last Man Standing.  It's alright, but don't we all miss the days of Tool Time Taylor?

OMG, I just looked him up on Wikipedia.  His real, God-given name is Tim Alan Dick.  I just thought you'd want to know.

Saturday for us certainly was Tool Time, but I'm keeping that a secret for now as it's still very much a work in progress. Except I'm too excited not to share, so here's a peak at what we accomplished yesterday.

Except we did two of these... plus more.  So much secret.
But with Sunday came nap time Spray Paint Time!

Back when Stephen was living the merry life of bachelorhood, freezing his buns off in Utah, he bought this clock to hang over the mantle.  A little piece of personality for his first place all to himself.

Then we moved, and I found girly-er things to put above the mantle (like these painted bottles).  The clock was banished to the office, where it has spent the last year and half.  I had intended the office to be a sort of "man cave" - since Stephen was the employed one, I set it up with all his office furniture, hung some diplomas, even gave him full reign of the closet!  (I'm very generous like that.)

As time went on, Stephen just worked from the living room, and the office turned into more of a storage unit.  I rearranged the office so we could fit more furniture, and that was pretty much it.

But then I got a job where I work from home! (Praise the Lord!) That means this is now a girl cave!  This is more exciting than being employed again!  (Kidding!  It's just equally as exciting.)  So I immediately went to work deciding how to proceed with my new girl cave.  The details aren't finalized yet, but I do know there will be gold accents.  And no place for this clock.... unless.... well yeah, you know where I'm going with this.

The numbers were easy to take off - they were actually just magnetic frames! 

After popping out the battery, I used some sandpaper I had on hand - this is actually #400 wet/dry sandpaper (leftover from my bathtub refinishing).  I just scuffed up the paint enough for the paint to grab.

I wrapped the clock hands in Cling Wrap, but I could have just used painter's tape - I was doing this during my usual Sunday nap time, so I'm allowed some indiscretions.

Used some gold spray paint....  (I would use spray primer first if I had any, but oh well)

Cleaned off my hands with nail polish remover (acetone also removes Sharpie!)...

And put it back on the wall in a very temporary location.

So much better... although it hasn't all come together yet.  I was going to put some white numbers on it, but I kind of like it how it is.  Except I couldn't stop singing "Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun...." the entire time in the office.  I guess it just means clock-watching will be a lot more enjoyable (and musical!) today.

Oh, you want to see the rest of the office?  Uhhh... ok.  Only because you asked.

Yeah, pretty much a mess.  Can't wait for the makeover to become MADE-over.

That's it for Spray Paint Pearsall today.  I'm sure there will be more episodes coming, but hopefully next week I can share some desk action with you instead!

Happy Monday!

posted by Emma

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