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I Can't Even.

**Update! I finally got more photos off my camera for you!**

Well, I still haven't found my camera cord, but I'm working on it.  I have to get this off my chest though! This whole moving process has been an absolute disaster.

Generally speaking, I didn't like when people would say "I can't even." ... up until about two weeks ago.  It was then, for the first time probably ever, I literally could not figure out how to finish my sentence.  But that wouldn't make for a very good blog entry, so here I am, a few weeks after the fact, finishing those sentences for you.

1) I can't even explain how much stuff was in the house 14 hours before we were supposed to close.
But I'm going to try.  It took everything I had not to break down doing the walkthrough the night before closing.  Every picture was still hanging on the wall.  All the clothes were still in the closets.  The garage was still full of junk.  The plumbing hadn't been fixed (and still isn't - but it's part of our contract that the seller pay for it).  There were a few times I would walk towards a room or closet and Stephen or our realtor would shout "DON'T GO IN THERE, EMMA."  They knew I was close to tears.  But this wasn't the only reason why.  (PS - except for the furniture, everything was still in the house.  And when we closed, was all on the walkway.  On my property.)  Here's a picture of the truck hauling everything off this morning.

2)  I can't even think about how dirty the house was without gagging a little.
I'll get to the carpets in a minute, because they were so bad they warrant their own bullet point.  This house was built in 2002.  That is 12 years ago.  I am not sure if it was ever cleaned in those 12 years.  The bed was moved out of the house... do you know what was under it? About 100000 dirty tissues.  All over the floor. Do you want to know what was where the headboard was?  A dirt outline.  Around the nightstands, too.  And in the guest room.  Where a desk had been moved, literally, one inch of dust stood on the carpet.  I. Can't. Even. (Seller paid for a cleaning lady to come in, and she did a great job - even packed up several trashcans of junk left in the house! Nothing can be done for the carpet, though.)

Here's a curtain I took down from the bathroom. I literally gagged.  And why was it so sticky?

Can you spot the dirt outline?

3)  I can't even tell you how surprised we were at the condition of the carpets.
When I was reviewing the pictures I took of the house while it was still occupied, the carpets didn't look as bad as I had remembered.  I was starting to think that I was just looking for a project, and that the carpets could just be cleaned and we'd be fine.  And then I saw them after the furniture got moved out - I can't even.  Did the seller pee in the corner ever night?  Was this rug ever moved in the last 12 years, because it's the only part not stained!  Not a single room's carpet was even in decent shape.  Oh, what furniture can hide!

4)  I can't even describe the frustration with what I refer to as "the hot tub situation."
I was mistaken thinking the hot tub came with the house, but I had good reason.  It was still there when we moved in! (Along with SO MUCH JUNK. I can't even.)  The morning after we close, at 8am, I come home to hear voices in the back yard... which has a 5 foot stone wall around it, and a locked gate.  That's right - these guys scaled my wall to hook up this hot tub - in MY BACK YARD - to a CRANE.  This did not go over well with me.  I can't even type this.  I literally cannot. even.

...OK, let's try again - the crane couldn't reach, so they wanted to cut down my rock wall by 2 inches.  Then they decided it still wouldn't reach, so they came with a BIGGER CRANE the next day - at 7am, when no one was home (and no was was in the driveway).  Where they drove all over my yard, through my shrubbery, marking up my driveway, and cracking the walkway.  I. CAN'T. EVEN. (PS - I explained to the electricians that this was my property, and they needed to leave until I was able to talk to someone about what was going on.  They were very understanding, and I actually liked them - until they ruined my yard.)

5)  I can't even describe how nice it is to have a home again (even despite all the challenges).
I was complaining to Stephen how I just wanted to take a shower and feel clean afterwards, and be able to walk barefoot without feeling grossed out (our temp rental is kind of ick).  He suggested doing the master bedroom flooring and paint as priority #1. While he was at work the next day, I ripped all the carpet out - in 30 minutes (I'm superwoman).  Well, our priorities have since changed, so we'll just be working with the subfloor for a while, but it feels so much cleaner without that carpet in there!

In closing, I have decided never to buy an occupied property again. Although, out of all his junk, we did get a lawn mower and a patio furniture set out of it... unless a crane comes and hauls that off too...

And to you folks that say "I can't even." - I get you.  And I hope you can finish your sentence soon.

posted by Emma


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