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Friday Favorites 3/28/14

Emma's Favorites
Hippo the Chia Elephant
No sprouts here, folks.  Just getting
acquainted with some new friends.
OK, his name isn't really Hippo.  I don't remember what I named him way back when I got him 4+ years ago (get this - at a white elephant party!), but it did start with an H.  Actually I think his name was Halpert?...  Who knows.  Until he actually starts growing sprouts I'm going to hold off on "growing" attached.  But when he's in full bloom, he really is quite lovely.  Bonus! I have had two of these that I found in the garage last week... and then I dropped one.  How am I to know which one is the real Halpert?

Mouse Sander
Why are animals on my brain?  I love this little guy.  I have tiny hands, and this doesn't feel too big for me to use.  It's perfect for furniture (which is my primary use) but I've also used him on the bathtub. The replacement sanding pads are about $6, and come with one 80 grit, two 120 grit, and two 220 grit sheets.  I go through them quickly, so the original $30 price tag doesn't feel accurate, but I think it's all fairly priced.  There is a nice tip for sanding in corners (like for cabinets!) that you just can't get with an orbital sander.  Long live the Mouse!

Diana's Favorite
Limes and Lemons
limes and lemons
My meager citrus supply
It started with lemon meringue pie. I was watching Desperate Housewives (don't judge...) and all they could talk about was lemon pie. Lemon pie this, lemon pie that. There was talk of secret lemon pie recipes, recipes perfected over the years. There was a lemon-pie-making frenzy. Lord, did I want a piece of that dumb lemon pie. I could almost taste it. As soon as the episode was over, I found Grandma's Lemon Meringue Pie recipe, went to the store, bought double of everything, and came home to indulge in some lemony-sweet goodness. I ate a piece before the pie finished setting. It was good. I ate a piece after the pie finished setting. It was better. Delicious. I was even gracious enough to share with my roommate. She was duly appreciative. 

After the lemon pie incident, I had a craving for limeade. Limeade was a fleeting indulgence. Shortly thereafter, I moved on to vodka sodas with lime. (Two please!)

Now all I can think about is key lime cheesecake bites with semi-sweet chocolate shells. (You could say I'm positively consumed with the thought...) Too bad it's so hard to find key lime juice here! I haven't ventured into the local Whole Foods yet... but I'm willing to brave the masses so I can get my fix. Then after, maybe a dish of lemon thyme chicken? I've never been a citrus girl... but right now I'm really just hankering for a taste of summer.

And no, dear family, I am not pregnant.

Happy Friday!

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post! All items were purchased with our own money and we were not paid to feature these products.


  1. Thank you for clarifying. :-) Now I want some lemon pie!

    Emma, we also own the mouse sander. It does come in handy!

  2. I like that you still are a fan of the chia pet... I remember when you were bought one for your desk at one of your internships!


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