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Hurry Up, Spring!

posted by Diana
An embarrassment of riches
The first day of spring is tomorrow, but it sure doesn't feel like it where I live! We got another snow dump this past weekend... winter is certainly toying with us this year. It doesn't matter if the groundhog saw his shadow or not... right now it feels like we'll have a million more weeks of winter.

This is the first year I've really been chomping at the bit for warmer weather. What can I say? I've got sun on my mind! And a little bit of spring nestled in my home for safekeeping.

Last summer, I was obsessed with making flower crowns. Truly, I made a ton of them. Too, too many. I've collected a bit of a faux flower forest because I can't resist the pretties. So many, in fact, I'm planning to set up an Etsy shop! I love making these crowns, but I only have one head (and only so much shelf space...).

All it takes is a headband, some glue, and some flower buds and you're a Ren-faire fairy queen. I don't know if they're more fun to make or to wear!

flower crown diy

I purchased my blossoms from Michael's and Joann's and my headband blanks from Etsy. When I'm on a search for new blossoms, I pick them first by color (pretty! shiny! want!), then by the base of the bud. I check for a large surface area on the bud--that makes for easy gluing. I also consider the height of the blossom and how it will sit on the headband once glued. I don't like my flowers too tall (I have a small head) or spaced too far apart.

As you can tell, it's a very scientific process!  If the flowers don't meet my strict qualifications, I put them back. If I really can't resist, I try to make it work, but I've gotten burned (literally) by that... glue guns. What can you do?

handmade flower crown

Clearly, these crowns make a statement. They're lovely and whimsical, but I wanted to make something a little less ostentatious. You know, for the days I don't feel like wearing a garden on my head. The headbands I came up with are definitely more wearable than a full-on crown, but still just as fun and festive!

crochet headband with chain

All you need is some cotton, chain, and the most basic of the basic crochet knowledge to make this simple headband. I added a flower and bead for a little something extra. It's subtle, right? As subtle as a big, honking flower on the side of your head can be...

flower on crocheted headband

Full tutorial on these crocheted headbands to follow next week!

This is only part of my flower supply. There's so much potential in these fake blossoms! I've got a few other spring-inspired crafts in the works. Can't wait to share!

Happy making!


  1. OMG, I love these so much. Anxiously awaiting tuturoial...

  2. I absolutely love the one flower-chain headband! You are so creative! Good luck with your Etsy shop when it opens.

  3. Gorgeous photos for this post!! They are pin-worthy for sure-- add some text to one of them when you do the tutorial!! :)


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