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Friday Favorites 2/28/14

TGIF!  Welcome to this week's edition of Friday Favorites.

Emma's Favorites
Nike+ App for Android
It hit 73 degrees here this week, with a nice, cool breeze... but I didn't feel it.  Instead I was feeling a crushing wave of guilt wash over me.  I haven't been running since the snow in November, and now it's definitely pleasant enough to start back up!  Because I run around the neighborhood in no particular route, the Nike Plus app for Android (free!) is my motivator.  It keeps track of my route, distance, time, and pace - for every run.  Plus, it gives me "trophies" and other awards (digital ones) for different things, like running 5x in a week, or reaching 250 miles.  Why am I so motivated by pictures on a screen??  I don't know, but it works.

OH! If you have friends on the app, you can run "together" and compare your paces real-time!  You can also send cheers of encouragement.  Look me up!  (It's linked through my facebook account)

Rustoleum Chalkboard Paint
As you will see in my post Monday, I have a love affair with all things Rustoleum. I used their chalkboard paint for the first time a few weeks ago, and it works as well as any chalkboard I've ever used.  It comes in a quart can, which goes a long way - I can't think of any surface that would require an entire quart.  It does need two coats, and you have to wait three days before you can start drawing on it, but it is well worth the wait.  You can buy at Home Depot for $9.67.  So far I've only used it in my laundry room (pictured right), but I think I'm going to put it on the inside of a few kitchen cabinet doors soon. What an easy way to make spaces more functional (and quirky!)

Diana's Favorites
Ravelli 61" Tripod
ravelli 61" tripod reviewI've never felt the need to use a tripod before. Then I started trying to take photos of projects in the dim evening light in my apartment. Unstable hands and a lack of natural light make for some shaky photos. I'm so glad I got this tripod from Amazon because it's been making taking photos of projects much easier!

In reading consumer reviews, most of the negatives said the tripod was unstable. I think it works nicely for my purposes. It also fits both my Nikon D90 and my Canon Powershot SX210IS (aka my DSLR and my point-and-shoot). That's handy because, even though I love my DSLR, I'll always have a soft spot for my little point-and-shoot.

I'm excited to take it outside when the weather warms up and really put it to the test!

Bath and Body Works Candles
It's no secret that I love food scented things. It's a little juvenile, but it's an addiction I can't quit. Even my favorite perfume smells like sugar cookies and cotton candy!
bath and body works candles

So, of course, I nabbed a couple of Bath and Body Works' candles when they were on sale 2 for $22. Even though I wanted everything from their Sweet Shop collection, I limited myself to Raspberry Peach Macaron and Frosted Cupcake. These candles seriously smell SO good. I try not to describe non-food things as "yummy" because... that's weird. But if I were the "yummy" type, that's exactly what I would call these candles. Bon appetit... to your nose?

Happy Friday!

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post! All items were purchased with our own money and we were not paid to feature these products.


  1. I don't think you'll be disappointed in that Ravelli. I have a different one, but mine was solid through all the rugged terrain of the southwest. Enjoy it!

    1. Awesome! I only paid $25 for mine... so hooray for bargains. :) I'm hoping to get some cool waterfall or river shots this summer with it.

  2. Is your favorite perfume called Pink Sugar, Diana? :-) I have that too, and it is also "yummy".

    1. My favorite is Outremer's Vanille... it's my holy grail perfume. I don't know what I would do if they ever stopped making it!

  3. I want those candles! I am obsessed...

  4. you always smell like the delicious things at a carnival. :) Emma, thanks to you, I've found a great weekend project to tackle---the chalkboarding things, not so much the running...


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