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Wanda-ful, Wanda-ful Day

posted by Diana
I love costume parties, but none of my friends where I live are into them as much as I am (miss you, college friends!). That's why Halloween is my favorite holiday. It's the one time of year where most people find it acceptable to dress up without embarrassment.

My boyfriend and I have been planning our costumes for a while, but mine has only come together recently. We're going to be the Fairly Odd-Parents, Cosmo and Wanda! And we're going to look awesome. I've never done a couples costume before, and I think this one is nice without being hokey.

To be Wanda from the Fairly Odd-Parents, all you need is:

  • Pink hair
  • Yellow shirt
  • Black pants
  • Wands
  • Wings
  • Floaty crowny things
Most of these items are fairly easy to come by... I already had black pants and I thrifted a yellow t-shirt. Wands, wings, and pink hair are all easy to find at the costume store. But floaty crowny things? They're a little more difficult to source. 

Fortunately, Among Bobbins and Thread gave me some tips on how to make my own. I bought a large sheet of craft foam from Michael's and started sketching out my crown shape. 

I cut out one crown, but I thought it was a bit too big. I sketched out another, smaller crown that you can barely see in the above picture and it turned out just right.

I had planned on sewing the crowns shut, but stapling them was much quicker. If I were going for a more professional look, sewing or gluing would have definitely been the way to go... but I was more interesting in saving time. I think silver staples wouldn't have been quite so noticeable, but I was going with what I had on hand.

Then I attached some thick-gauged wire to the inside of the crown. My wire was about ten inches long.

I secured the wire inside the crown with packing tape. It's surprisingly sturdy and will definitely hold up all of Halloween day and night.

Then I stuck the wires through my pink wig and twisted them until the crown was at the proper floaty height. After this picture was taken, I clipped the rogue metal stabby bits that could poke me in the head.
Creepers gonna creep.
That's all there is to it! This is an easy DIY that's perfect for a last-minute costume. I can't wait for Halloween!

Happy making!

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