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We Have a House!


That's right... after months of living apart, we will soon be reunited in El Paso.  Unfortunately we spent a little more than we wanted.  Unfortunately our property taxes are 5x what they were in Alamogordo.  Unfortunately, our #1 choice was not willing to accept a fair market price for their home.

Fortunately, we are on the same street as our #1 choice.  Fortunately, there's no state income tax in Texas.  We have a little more space than we (me) wanted, but that's alright. It needs some love (mainly just the flooring... they did not take care of their carpet!  And what isn't carpet is linoleum).  And of course, there's this nice little perk....

:)  And I'm pretty sure a hot tub comes with the property as well.  So that's fun!  And hopefully a selling point when I'm trying to convince you to come visit me :)

We close on October 30th, and will get right to work ripping out old, neglected carpet.  If it was in good shape, I would just leave it alone upstairs... but it ain't.

So here are a few photos for you.  Do you see the potential that I see?

In the midst of all the new house excitement, there's still a part of us in Alamogordo.  A lot of us, actually... like all our stuff.  And my heart.  And also equity.  But we have faith that it will sell, we're just hoping it will be soon!

Happy Monday!

posted by Emma


  1. Congrats on the house! We will totally miss you though. Maybe we can sweet talk you into coming back for SS socials:)!
    -Patti King

    1. I would love that! I have missed everyone these past few weeks! Thanks fore the sweet message :)

  2. HI Em,
    Congrats on the house. Can't wait to see you and Stephen work your magic. Those ultra lacy window treatments are super special :)

    Aunt Maggie


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