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Friday Favorites 5/2/14

Emma's Favorites

World Market Flower Hook

Praise the Lord for getting out of this small town last weekend.  Shop til you drop was the name of the game, and I would say I won! (Including 400 square foot of laminate impulse buy... but more on that later)  On my hit list was World Market, though I usually just window shop here.  Everything in there is so cool!  Colors, patterns, furniture, light fixtures, scents... so much stimulation.  I can kill at least an hour just admiring all the beauty.  And now, I have some of it on my wall, cheerfully holding my aprons for me.  My exact hook isn't online, but here's a similar one that I even like better (only $9!).

Psst - Here's a link to find out more about my cool stencilled wall!

Metallic Pillows
Hello, HomeGoods!  Nothing like a few punchy pillows to liven up a room.  Before these, I just had the pillows in the same fabric as the couch... Boring!  I love the metallic element these bring into the room, and they match the trim on the coffee table.  The dandelion one is so cool - and I immediately thought of Diana's resin project when I saw it.  The other one is completely sequined, but not the gaudy kind.  Together they cost me $35, which is more than I like to pay for pillows, but I'm happy I splurged.  The room is more fun and less formal - woo!  I see a lot more HomeGoods trips coming up soon...

Diana's Favorites
Outremer's Vanille Eau de Toilette
vanille perfume outremer
I almost didn't include this perfume in my favorites this week... it's not so much a favorite of the week as it is a favorite of my entire life. It's my Holy Grail perfume.

Apparently, some people love this perfume so much, they hoard it. And by some people, I mean me. I just finished up my second bottle of this stuff this week and I have another waiting in the wings in my medicine cabinet. That's another reason I didn't want to share it... I wanted to keep this delightful concoction all to myself.

But, in the end, I decided to be generous. Vanille smells sweet like sugar cookies and cotton candy but doesn't smell powdery or have musk as an ingredient (side note: The word "musk" grosses me out). This perfume is what I smell like all the time... bees love me. And if Outremer ever stops making it, I'll be sad and won't smell like anything delightful and will eventually shrivel away and cease to exist. That was not hyperbole. 

little debbie kite brownies
Little Debbie Kite Brownies
This picture is the only evidence this brownie ever existed. I barely had enough self control to take the picture before I ripped into the package and scarfed it down.

I almost wish I didn't know about these treats because they're super tasty and super bad for you and I'm probably going out tomorrow to buy some more because (guess what) the box is empty already.

Ugh... I love little seasonal cakes... and this brownie is so much more than a tasty snack. It's a symbol for summer fun and outdoor activities. I'm excited about sitting in hammocks, flying micro-kites, and learning more hula hoop tricks. And eating more conveniently packaged cute brownies.

Happy Friday!

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post! All items were purchased with our own money and we were not paid to feature these products.

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