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Friday Favorites 9/12/14

Emma's Favorites

Once Upon a Time
I'm not really into fantasy.  Lord of the Rings?  I've seen a movie, but I haven't touched any of the
Belle, from Beauty and the Beast
books.  Harry Potter?  I think I read the first three, but I've never seen a movie.  I really like Star Trek and Superhero movies, but I classify those more as action.  So I was surprised when people started recommending to me the show Once Upon a Time, being that it's a fantasy show where the characters can travel between the USA and the Enchanted Forest, and Neverland.  The characters include Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan, Cinderella, etc!  I think that's why I like it so much.  Except all the characters have an alter ego.  Cinderella's is a pregnant teenager.  Rumplestiltskin owns a pawn shop.  There are three seasons up on Netflix!

Golden Grahams
Oh, to be 5 years old again.  Get up early on Saturday to watch cartoons and fix myself a bowl of Golden Grahams.  Well, it was on sale last week (anyone else think cereal is ridiculously expensive?) and my inner child did a little twirl and the next thing I knew I was shoving it down my gullet.  The whole box lasted me about two mornings.  So I went back for more.  I'm not kidding.

Diana's Favorites
Appalachian Gear
I had the pleasure of attending an old college roommate's wedding party last weekend. Is it weird to anyone else that I have old college roommates? At any rate, I had the opportunity to revisit some old haunts and pick up some Appalachian gear that I missed out on when I was still in school. Back in the day, it was hard for me to be excited about wearing black and yellow when I was constantly surrounded by it, but now that I live in a town where everything is blue and orange, I felt like I needed to stock up on some stuff that tugged at my nostalgic heartstrings. Plus, I've always wanted that tie-dye shirt!

Handmade Dino Feet Mug

While visiting Boone, I made a trip to one of my favorite stores that sells work by local artisans. I picked up this awesome handmade dinosaur feet mug (check out those toenails!). What I really wanted was the cream and sugar dino feet set, but I settled for this little monster to take home. I couldn't find the name of the artist, but, if you ever visit Boone, NC, check out Artwalk for a bunch of cool handmade stuff.

Happy Friday!

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post! All items were purchased with our own money and we were not paid to feature these products.

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